Meta awareness is the awareness that you are doing something, in relation to other things that you could be doing or are happening and you can at any time change your mind about how why or that you are doing it.
Currently you are reading are on the computer on the internet. Is this a compulsion? Do you remember that you are a body? Are you more or less aware of yourself than this monkey? Are you able to walk away and make another choice? Do you know why you are choosing/stuck here? Most people when they realize what they are doing, it breaks their flow and they come out of the activity. Real Meta awareness is being able to do an activity while still choosing to do it. In layman’s terms it’s knowing and being able to fold them.
Up next an exercise in building meta awareness, and a way to test how good you are at it.
Take a moment breath in and out with each breath taking more than ten seconds, and let the exhales take more than the inhales. As you relax into it and as you start to let go of the things you are grasping onto let the bigger picture come into play. Not the thing you are doing today or this week or even this month, but the thing you are doing over the next year, the next decade. Instead of trying to strategize on this level, think about how it relates to the various other things in your life. Imagine they are interacting with each other.
This can be in the form of a conversation, feelings in your body, or swirling visions that are impossible to share without seeming crazy. However it is is fine, the important thing is that you or at least a part of you is beginning to process this impossibly large collection of data in some way that will help you begin to digest these huge probability clouds in your life.
Stop and take a moment to sit and explore what is happening. Whatever experience is goin on for you right now, whatever interest that is arising for you in real life is much more important than continuing to read.
If you were able to complete this exercise in any way then congratulations you have some level of meta awareness. Continuing to try and relate to the whole when you can, without resisting going inside. The more you pay attention the more awareness you have and the more you make good choices of when to go in and out the better your meta relationship will be.