Build your own workshop like a subway sandwich. Choose the theme, the main, the sides and wrap it in a bow.


What is the main change you would like to see in your people?

This is a riff off of Ken Wilber’s “wake up, grow up, clean up, show up”

Wake up: It doesn’t seem like our people know what’s going on, what we are trying to accomplish.

We need to show them what our purpose and mission is, to get everyone aligned and aware.

Grow up: They know what to do but it can be hard to leave the old behind and become the new. All of us used to be children and to be the people we know we can an encouraging environment that helps you when you fall can make all the difference.

Clean up: They know what to do, they are doing it, but mistakes are being made. As hard as it is to get to the top it is harder to stay there. Where are the mistakes coming from and how do we move forward with out them.

Show up: You know what to do you are able to do it well, but where is the initiation? why aren’t your people taking ownership of the work and showing up in the way you know they know how?



Think Better: Heuristics and first principles thinking for the workplace.

Communicate better: A company or team is the collective relationships. Training your people to relate better is often the best investment you can make.

Meta competency: The skills you need to do your job are not the same as the skills you need to set yourself up for success. Included in this is concentration practise.

Training assistance: Are you trying to put together a training day for your people and need some help keeping them engaged?


Finally what kind of event would you like it to be?

Fun workshops: Learning by doing is fun.

Hard conversations together: Having the conversations we must have and are dreading.

Strategically targeted conversations and learnings: As management we can see the bigger picture and where some of the gaps lie. Sometime targeted help for individual people or circumstances can be less disruptive and more effective than team wide activities.


Click on each to learn more and choose the the ones you like the most. If you aren’t sure which options are appropriate for you then now worries, book a call and we will figure it out together.


Corporate events start at $4,999.99 a day.